On any particular weekend, we are more likely doing something outside than not. Our full trip list covers all 7 continents and nearly every mode of transport available. Highlighted below are a few recent trips that we feel were particularly challenging and noteworthy.
Current: Bikepacking Baja California and south
Area: Baja California, mainland Mexico and on
Miles: 10,000+
Days out: TBD
Mode of transport: bicycle
Self-supported? Yes
Continuing out travels south we start on the Baja peninsula and cycle south towards Argentina. See photos and read about out trip in the Stories tab.
Bikepacking from Canada to Salt Lake City
Area: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah
Miles: 1300
Days out: 42
Mode of transport: bicycle
Self-supported? Yes
Total ascent: 58,000 ft
Starting on the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route and then veering West on our own path, we spent nearly 6 weeks pedaling through the beauty of the American West. From high mountain passes to desert plains, we rode past elk, moose, and grizzlies.

Arizona bikepacking
Area: Arizona
Miles: 667
Days out: 20
Mode of transport: bicycle
Self-supported? Yes
Total ascent: 43,000 ft
We bikepacked on dirt roads and trails from the border of Mexico through Arizona to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Our route took us from Saguaro filled deserts to high mountain passes reaching 10,000 ft. We experienced the full range of weather – hot blazing sun, freezing nights, rain, hail, snow, windstorms and wildfires.

Kayaking North America’s Inside Passage
Area: British Columbia and Alaska
Miles: 1,000
Days out: 87
Mode of transport: kayak
Self-supported? Yes
During the summer of 2019 we kayaked the Inside Passage through Canada and Alaska. Our trip totaled 87 days and we paddled roughly 1,000 miles. We encountered incredible views, whales, wonderful people, perfect days, harsh wind, bad weather, bears, wolves, glaciers and a journey too large to ever fully capture in words.
To read about our trip, view our gear list, logistics or route, take a look at kayaktheinsidepassage.com.

Dodging potholes in Madagascar
Area: Madagascar
Miles: 853
Days out: 11
Mode of transport: 4×4 vehicle
Self-supported? Yes
We spent 11 days camping and driving the very rough and remote roads of Madagascar. Visiting rural villages, remote national parks and beautiful coastlines.